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Adding geographical point into route string

Posted on April 8, 2012 09:26 by Xavier


Using this kind of string for route : "DCT THT 75N062W 74N060W DCT UP DCT DISGU DCT SF".

Which format can I use to make 75N062W good for AirTrack ?

Thank you


Posted on April 19, 2012 23:56 by haversine

Hi Xavier,

I'm terribly sorry for the delay; there has been a problem with the notification system and I've only just noticed this post.

AirTrack uses the ARINC 424-18 naming convention for encoding LATLON waypoints so:


Positions in the northern hemisphere use the letters “N” and “E,” the southern hemisphere uses the letters “S” and “W.”

Latitude will always precede Longitude.

Both will use numerics for latitude and longitude as follows:

Latitude - use values provided by source.

Longitude - use only the last two digits of the three digit longitude. Placement of the longitude value in reference to the identifier character (of “N,” “S,” “W” or “E,” see below) will provide the information as to whether the longitude digit dropped was “0” or “1.” That character will follow the longitude digits if the longitude is less than 100 degrees and precede the longitude digits if the longitude is equal to or greater than 100.

Use of a single character to provide both latitude and longitude information:
“N” = North Latitude and West Longitude
“E” = North Latitude and East Longitude
“S” = South Latitude and East Longitude
“W” = South Latitude and West Longitude


Hence your route would be:


75N062W = 7562N

So any point in the NW quadrant with full degrees will be in the form XXYYN where XX is latitude and YY is the last two digits of longitude for longitudes < 100 and XXNYY for longitudes greater or equal than 100.

Let me know if you still need help on this and I will send you full documentation on this.

Again, I'm sorry for the delay,
kind regards,
joao @ airtrack

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