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AirTrack off-line FMS flight planning

Posted on October 1, 2012 13:49 by ghun1

Can you explain how to set up AirTrack so I can either load a flight plan or make a new one starting at a location of my choice without starting a flight sim like x-plane first?

If I use location services, I am always home (naturally)
If I load a premade flight plan, I still start from home (and most of the plan is out of range).

So what can I do to load the nav data and data source to work off-line starting at any airport?

I am using x-plane data.

Also, is it possible to scroll through waypoints off line to check the flight plan on the map?

Posted on October 1, 2012 14:02 by haversine


If I understand correctly, you mean displaying the flight plan on the MFD/ND. Unfortunately this is not totally possible at present (only partially). The ND is inspired on the ND's from Boeing Aircraft which means that in most modes, your plane is always in the centre or centre down and it is the world that moves around you.

So if you use location services the centre of the ND is where you are physically.

If you use a flight sim the centre of the ND is where the plane is virtually.

The only way in which you can see a flight plan while being away from it is by selecting PLN mode. Tap on the APP/VOR/MAP/PLN mode key to swap between modes.

In PLN mode you will see the leg from which you are flying from -> to. This mode is always displayed with TRU north up, it has a circle around it, and if a flight plan is loaded, relates to the active leg. So by going to the FMC page and activating a leg, you can then go to the MFD/ND page and see that leg displayed.


Although non standard in an aircraft I believe, a feature to scroll through the map and see what's around or to centre it on the flight plan would be good though, so I'll add it to the wish list for possible future improvements. In this way you would be able to scroll through your plan, or focus on the plan.

hope this helps,
sorry for the limitation,
enjoy the app,
joao @ airtrack

Posted on October 1, 2012 18:42 by ghun1

thank you that's exactly what I meant, and what I need.
It may be a little tedious but having loaded the flight plan, set it up in plan mode, I can now go to the FMS page, select the next waypoint not on the map, select "direct to" and go back to the EFIS map.
Now I'm 'scrolling' through the waypoints ;-)

I'm not sure if it is a real Boeing feature or not (I suspect it is), but the new 777 in x-plane has its own very detailed FMS which does precisely this. It is not only in plan mode, but you can scroll through the waypoints by selecting the "STEP>" soft key. You can see it in action here:

Having made a flight plan using your nice on-line planner, it is sensible to observe the waypoints on the map before virtual flight. And of course should make it easier to design my own plans.

Maybe you can add a STEP (and maybe even a BACK) key on the EFIS plan map page?

Thanks very much for the quick response and an excellent app.
Gary Hunter

Posted on October 2, 2012 08:24 by haversine

Haven't had the chance of trying the new 777 but will have to soon.

Thanks for the suggestions,

Posted on October 30, 2012 13:08 by gbrewer


You should try Marc Rogers' XHSI for x-plane. It's freeware available on the x-plane.org. This will give you a high definition ND, amongst other cool features like airport information and taxi charts.


When viewing PLN Mode in x-plane, you can toggle through your flight plan using the PREV & NEXT buttons on the default FMS which will centre the waypoint in the ND without hitting the DIRECT TO button.

Hope this helps in the meantime.



Posted on October 30, 2012 14:02 by ghun1

Thanks Graham.
Yes I've been using XHSI2 for a while now, its very good. I just wondered about the "next waypoint" function becoming available in air track - which is rather similar to XSHI in some respects but on an iPAD (in my case). I suppose what I really want is to request a better flight plan making and editing function in AirTrack. It would be nice to create changes to a plan on the iPAD so its polished and ready when using x-plane.

Anyway, the method for stepping through the flight plan, though a bit tedious, does work well enough to be useful. Just use the Flight plan to select the waypoint you wish to view (up/down selection), and then select "direct to" to make it yellow and active in the plan. Then go back to the map to see that waypoint centered. It would just be easier to do it directly from the map page (go to the next waypoint).


Posted on October 30, 2012 14:02 by ghun1

Thanks Graham.
Yes I've been using XHSI2 for a while now, its very good. I just wondered about the "next waypoint" function becoming available in air track - which is rather similar to XSHI in some respects but on an iPAD (in my case). I suppose what I really want is to request a better flight plan making and editing function in AirTrack. It would be nice to create changes to a plan on the iPAD so its polished and ready when using x-plane.

Anyway, the method for stepping through the flight plan, though a bit tedious, does work well enough to be useful. Just use the Flight plan to select the waypoint you wish to view (up/down selection), and then select "direct to" to make it yellow and active in the plan. Then go back to the map to see that waypoint centered. It would just be easier to do it directly from the map page (go to the next waypoint).


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