Haversine Forums -> AirTrack - General Issues and Support
Awesome app, but having a few small issues - any help appreciated
Congratulations to the creators, awesome app and well worth the money.
Most of it is working great for me but a few things don't. Maybe it's me I don't know. In the MCP the A/T arm, speed, vnav, lvl change and V/S don't seem to work. I'm using FSX.
Anybody have any ideas advice?
Thanks in advance.
This will depend on the plane you are using. They will work with default plane such as the default 737-800 of FSX but if you use a third party plane like a PMDG or Level-3, these planes have their internal MCPs and I'm afraid the plugin won't work with all functions.
Sorry for it, it is a known limitation,
fun flights,
joao @ haversine
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