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Direct To not functioning in AirTrack NG like it does in AirTrack CL

Posted on July 25, 2024 04:06 by vonchristensen

I use AirTrack when actually traveling as a passenger on a commercial aircraft, utilizing a Bluetooth GPS unit. When using the CL version, if the pilot gets a “direct to” instruction from ATC, I can select the correct waypoint in the flight plan and it will amend the flight plan to match. Once you pass over the waypoint, it would automatically advance to the next waypoint on the flight plan

With the new NG version, I have tried this and it just stays stuck on the waypoint I go direct to, even after passing it and advancing the flight plan. In this a bug or am I just not using the feature correctly?

Posted on July 25, 2024 18:47 by haversine


It should definitely update, otherwise it's a bug to be fixed.

The first thing that comes to mind is the FLIGHT PLAN SCOPE under FLIGHT PLAN. Make sure it is set to LOCAL TO AIRTRACK NG. By default it is configured for the SIMULATOR which disables this feature (mental note to change this and make it automatically local for the GPS data source, I'll add to the ToDo).

Do you see your position updating on the ND in MAP mode? Do you see the plane moving? I expect so as you are using a bluetooth GPS but just to be sure it is getting new position updates correctly.

I'll try it next time I fly too :) If it is a bug, it will be fixed. But maybe it's just the scope thing :) Let me know.
joao @ haversine

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