Haversine Forums -> AirEFB - General Issues and Support P3D v4
Posted on November 23, 2018 19:38 by asimmons1107
Hello, Now that P3D has the ability to send GPS data via network, do you think you will be able to integrate products like AirEFB and Airtrack somewhat easier? are you guys looking into that now? I think it's just something to bring up
Posted on November 27, 2018 12:32 by haversine
Oh this is definitely something to look at as it would make things much easier. AirEFB only really needs the position to display your plane on the map :) I'll look into it, thanks for the hint!
Posted on December 12, 2018 21:58 by haversine
Good news on this ... The GPS data to network exports a few things and allowed us to add support for displaying your position on the Taxi map in AirEFB, so this will definitely be supported in its next small version to come out in the next days. As for AirTrack, while it could be used, it will not provide the same level of functionality as the current adapted FSX plugin, the reason being that the GPS data to network only outputs a limited set of measurements (GPS info + attitude and little more) and does not allow inputs. So for the time being it's still better to use the plugin, although I'll also try to embed native support (with its limitations) for those who can't install the plugin and release it sometime in the future. So AirEFB Prepar3D support is coming. Of course not as wide as for X-Plane since there are no ATC planes or automatic sync of airport data (in fact the airports will be those of X-Plane which may not be exactly the same as those on P3D), but still fully functional with charts, checklists, documents and of course the Taxi Map . I'll update this thread when the new version is out. Thanks again for the suggestion,
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