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FS9, FSX and P3D plugins reach EOL

Posted on September 5, 2023 13:00 by haversine

The time has come to say goodbye and retire to the old AirTrack plugins for FS9 (2000/2004), FSX and P3D. These plugins were based on panel gauge code from 2010 developed by a company named Mobiclip who no longer supports them. They have lacked any updates for many years and while we'd like to keep them alive, they are becoming obsolete and supporting them prevents us from focusing on newer features.

For this reason, we're removing them from the main downloads page, and ending technical support for them as of this moment, while providing plugins for X-Plane, MSFS2020, and possibly other more modern simulators in the future.

They will however remain online for now so if you are still running FS9, FSX or P3D, you can download them and use them at your own risk with older apps that still support them. Their files are:

Plugin for FS9/FS2004


Plugin for FSX:


In addition to the automated standard installer files, these plugins are also available in raw gauge format which you must manually copy to the corresponding directory. If you prefer this method please download one of the following files:

Gauge for FS9/FS2004:


Gauge for FSX:


Gauge for P3D 64 bits:



Please note: Due to a technical limitation, in order to run these FSX plugins you need to switch to Cockpit View once after starting the simulator (as opposed to the startup 3D cockpit view) in order to launch it. After this you can change views as wished. This limitation is not present in FS9 as it already starts in cockpit view.

Also, make sure that you don't have your firewall enabled or that you allow AirTrack packets to flow in and out your computer; AirTrack uses UDP port 2424 to exchange data in both directions by default.

What works with FS9/FSX:

- Detecting the plane position, latitude, longitude, heading.
- MFD display of the plane position.
- PFD display of attitude (roll, pitch).
- Speeds reporting (IAS, TAS, GS).
- The Altimeter.
- Some auto pilot state annunciators.
- The MCP and auto-pilot controls.
- Remote joystick of the aircraft (when the AP is disabled).
- Radio frequencies reporting and tuning (NAV, COM, ADF, XPDR)

What does not work with FS9/FSX:

- Creating or updating flight plans from AirTrack.

Note (**): Version 1.3 introduces preliminary flight plan support in that flight routes entered in FS9 or FSX are sent and displayed in AirTrack. In addition to this users can edit the flight plan in AirTrack and make full use of SID and STAR procedures. The only think that doesn't work (yet) is AirTrack updating the flight plan in FS9 or FSX, i.e. any changes you make in AirTrack are local and do not get sent back.

- Certain features such as the MCP / Auto Pilot control and radio tuners might not work with external planes such as Level-D or PMDG. This is because they have their internal datarefs which are different from the default FS ones.

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