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A new route planner is now available with Air Accounts

Posted on December 1, 2011 16:57 by haversine

We have just extended the functionality of Air Accounts in what you can do online; in the Routes section of the web site users can now view, edit, delete and create new flight plans which are then synced automatically to all the registered iDevices.

The new flight planner provides the following selection of methods for creating routes between two airports:

- Routes can be entered manually (or copy-pasted from other web sites or sources).

- An import option allows routes to be imported from X-Plane .fms or FS9/FSX .pln files.

- When available between two airports, the most commonly used routes in the VATSIM and IVAO networks are displayed and can be selected. They are ordered so that the most used routes are displayed first.

- An automatic route generator allows routes to be created based on high-altitude, low-altitude and both types of airways, as a sequence of VORs, NDBs and FIXes, and by custom waypoint to custom waypoint hopping.

- And finally, direct routes are naturally also possible.

In addition to this, flight plans can be complemented with a departure runway, a SID, a STAR, an Approach and an arrival runway.

The flight planner also allows the selection of a target flight level and calculates climb and descent altitudes leg-by-leg at a user-specified TAS and climb rate.

Routes are created using an AIRAC which can be selected in the Navigation Data section.

So that is it! If you were looking for an easier way of entering or generating flight plans, you've got it; the new route planner is available on all Air Accounts after logging in.

Please note that we are still developing this tool, in particular the A.I. algorithms that allow it to generate flight plans, so expect sub-optimal routes when using this feature. We'll be improving these as we go along.

Enjoy the new flight planner and please report back to us any problems you may find or suggestions you may have,

The AirTrack Team

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