The X-Plane Air Plugin

In order to use AirEFB (and AirTrack and AirFMC) with X-Plane you need to install a small piece of software in X-Plane called a plugin.

This addon interacts with X-Plane, its different planes and FMC systems by putting all relevant information on the network and by receiving specific commands from apps and feeding them back to X-Plane.

Just download the plugin and copy or replace the HaversineAir folder to your "X-Plane/Resources/plugins" folder. If you have any problems see the INSTALL.txt file for details.

That's all, you don't need to configure anything else, just launch X-Plane and your flight should show up in AirEFB, AirFMC and AirTrack.

The plugin is based on the X-Plane SDK available at

In order to run it you will need a computer with a valid copy of X-Plane 10, 11, 12 or above and a wireless LAN network which connects your computer to the iPhone/iPad/iPod device(s) on the same subnet / segment.

The Flight Simulator 2020/2024 Plugin

You can connect AirEFB to Microsoft's flight simulator 2020/2024 using the HaversineAir.exe interface add-on which is a command line tool for windows. Launch FS2020/FS2024 and then run it and it will connect to the app and show the flight available under settings for selection. Make sure you have the SimConnect.dll file in the same folder in order to allow the plugin to interact with the sim. When connected you'll be able to see your plane in the Taxi Map of your current airport when on the ground. You can also use PFD documents, .clist or custom checklists and view your online and offline approach charts with AirEFB and FS2020/FS2024.

Next topic: Connecting to X-Plane

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